Map of web Senioři
extended searching
Obec Horní Ves
Horní Ves

In this step choose the service for which you want to make reservation. In the following steps you choose term of reservation and set contact data. You will be informed on the state of reservation by e-mail.

Your reservation can be searched up thru a searching form. Set PIN (this is sent by e-mail) and click on the button "search". In the screened detail you can also cancel the reservation.


Přihlášení k odběru zpráv

Dostávejte informace z našeho webu prostřednictvím SMS a e-mailů


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Current weather

today, Friday 6. 12. 2024
rain and snow 2 °C -1 °C
Saturday 7. 12. snow 1/0 °C
Sunday 8. 12. light snow 0/-4 °C
Monday 9. 12. rain and snow 1/-4 °C

Mobile application

Sledujte informace z našeho webu v mobilní aplikaci – V OBRAZE.
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